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Completed Projects

Below are the projects I completed throughout the year.

JPL Update #1: I am currently working with my team to solve design and build a device to enter into the JPL competition. Up till this point I have helped to build the actual pipe and supports which will be used for testing purposes, as well as I have helped to come up with overall design elements that have continually evolved. For a week I worked on building a circuit and programming a claw that would be controlled by an Arduino. Currently I am working on figuring out how to build a weight to lift the pipe and  what will be used to secure the pipe. Our team needs to get the materials and finalize the design. 

JPL Update #2: Much work has been done since the last update. My group has successfully built a prototype and is now working on building a final design. I have helped to construct all the structures and have provided measurements and calculations that aid in building the design. We have decided to go with wood for everything except for the lever which will be made of PVC to save weight. I have also helped to conduct tests to determine how much weight we will need to place as a counter-weight. 


Drone Debate

A system for automated pressure and blood O2 sensing was developed to counter the problem of complications due to improper tourniquet use in prehostpital settings. The design makes use of an arduino microprocessor and off the shelf components

Supporting Materials

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